sponsor and empower.

When you sponsor lives are changed forever.

Imagine you are a young teenage mother…

You have left school because you simply cannot manage caring for your baby while trying to get an education. You may have been forced to leave home because of your baby, you may have faced abuse or neglect. But now you have a child to care for. You live in a village area, you have no other skills for jobs and you feel like all the potential you have, has been taken.

That’s the reality for hundreds of young mothers in Nakaseke District.

And we think its time for a change.

We think its time for every girl to know her worth and that her potential is not lost and she is not alone.

The skills training program will be taking 24 young mothers between the ages of 14-18. They will meet to learn basic education along with tailoring or hairdressing. There will be mentorship, discipleship and lunch for every young mother and their child. Medical assistance is also provided for the mothers and their babies.

We also will be having “family dinner” with our young mamas once a month where we will gather to talk about the previous month, celebrate milestones and set goals for the next month.

We want to see every mama equipped and ready to thrive within her community. 

$35 per month can remind a young mother of her worth, her potential and make sure she is not alone in her struggles.

We invite you to partner with a young mama through sponsorship; you will also be able to write & encourage her through motherhood. 


  • Basic education in math & English 

  • Skill training in tailoring or hairdressing

  • Lunches during training

  • Medical assistance

  • Mentorship, discipleship and a community she can belong to

  • YOUR support and encouragement through sponsorship & letter writing