“To provide a place for families to find healing through advocacy, education, empowerment, and the love of Christ”.

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Advocating for ethical orphan prevention by providing at-risk teen mothers with temporary shelter, counseling, and parenting help.

Empowering them with ongoing education and marketable skills to create self-sustainability in Kampala, Uganda.

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All of the proceeds from our online market are split between our work in the U.S. and Uganda. Your purchase will provide:

  • Advocacy for families in need of assistance to establish holistically healthy families.

• Empowerment for Ugandan teen mothers to hear the Gospel, continue English and Math lessons, learn a profitable trade, enjoy nourishing meals, have access to medical care, and ultimately help them keep their little babies.

• Educate community families in both Uganda and in the United States.

Contact Wildflowers

Feel free to contact us with any questions.